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I'm a proud mother of my sweet baby girl with another little angel on the way. With the arrival of baby #2, I realized that my baby bookmark folder is a mile long and growing. I decided to start this blog as a way to keep track of all things baby in one central location.

My posts include relevant links to websites that I either use for informational purposes or shopping. Enjoy!

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Baby Names

Giving your child a name is one of the most special gifts that you will ever give, as it will last a lifetime! I suggest spending quite a bit of time ensuring that you pick the perfect name(s). Here are some helpful tips in deciding on a name:

#1. Does the origin and meaning matter to you?
#2. Do the initials spell out anything that could be construed as negative?
#3. Does the name lend itself to derogatory nicknames?
#4. Most important, are you proud of the name that you selected?

Here are some sites with Baby Names and their Meanings:

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